981. One Quintal is equal to 100 kg.
982. The melting point of ice is 0°C.
983. In 2013, Planck measured the age of the universe at 13.82 billion years.
984. Moon is a Satellite.
985. Density of Water is 997 kg/m³.
986. According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the universe must be either expanding or contracting.
987. Pressure is measured by a barometer.
988. Primary cosmic rays are composed largely of very fast protons.
989. Disease “Insomnia” refers to the inability to sleep.
990. The modern Periodic Table has 18 columns and 7 rows.
991. Magma eventually becomes lava.
992. Rain-proof coats and tents owe their waterproof properties to surface tension.
993. The weighing machine will show the MINIMUM reading when the lift is in a free fall due to failure of the lift mechanism.
994. Nitrogen occurs in plants and animals in the form of Proteins.
995. The large plates of solar panels are painted Black.
996. Sound travels Fastest in solid materials than in liquids.
997. Pyrex glass is heat resistant.
998. Carbon monoxide is the most toxic gas.
999. The element used in lead pencils is Carbon.
1000. Calculus was invented by Isaac Newton.