921. The SI unit of “pressure” is pascal.
922. The lifespan of White Blood Cells is 5 – 21 days.
923. Urine is produced in the kidneys.
924. Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is E = mc².
925. Diamond is an allotropic form of carbon.
926. The energy value of food is measured in calories.
927. Mitochondria are called the powerhouses of the cell.
928. Human population growth is greatest in developing countries because the birth rate is high in developing countries.
929. The common mineral salt present in sweat is sodium chloride.
930. The instrument which measures very high temperature is a pyrometer.
931. The term ‘Blue Shift’ is used to indicate Doppler effect in which an object appears bluer when it is moving towards the observer or observer is moving towards the object.
932. Yeast is used in making bread because it produces carbon dioxide.
933. The name of the mineral salt present in sweat is sodium chloride.
934. It is possible to recognize a person in the dark by simply hearing his unique voice because of the quality of sound.
935. Cusec is a unit of discharge or flow.
936. Cobalt is strongly attracted by a magnet.
937. The main function of the kidney is to remove waste products from the body.
938. The average heartbeat per minute in a normal man is 70.
939. Dialysis is used for the treatment of kidney failure.
940. An iceberg will have about one-tenth of its mass above the surface of water.

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