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- The line spacing that is invalid in MS Word is: Triple.
- The feature used to insert the contents of the Clipboard as text without any formatting in MS Word is: Paste Special.
- To double underline a word in MS Word, you would: Select the text then choose Format >> Font and on the Font tab open Underline Style and choose
- Double Underline.
- The function of CTRL+Q in Microsoft Word is: Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space).
- Page Up Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to: Moves the cursor one screen up.
- “Ctrl + Left Arrow” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to: Moves the cursor one word left.
- To activate the ruler on your Document using the keyboard instead of the mouse, you press: Alt.
- To display the statistics about a document, you choose: Tools, Word Count.
- The Shortcut keys used to strikethrough highlighted selection in Excel is: Ctrl+5.
- To divide a web page into areas, you use: Frames.
- To display the Key Tips and use your keyboard instead of the mouse to select tools on the ribbon, you press: Alt.
- The function of Ctrl + Q Shortcut in Microsoft Word is: Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space).
- The function of Ctrl + P Shortcut key in MS Word is: Open Print Dialog box.
- A character that is raised and smaller above the base line is known as: Superscript.
- Ctrl + A Shortcut key is used in MS Word to: Select All.
- Ctrl + L Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to: Left Align.
- By default, the header or the footer is printed on every page in a Word document.
- Switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the: Page setup dialog box.
- The shortcut-key for manual line break in Microsoft Word is: Shift + Enter.