Cities on River Banks

  1. Harappa city is situated on the bank of the river Ravi.
  2. New York City is located on the bank of the river Hudson.
  3. Paris is situated on the river Seine.
  4. Damascus is situated on the river Barada.
  5. Dublin stands on the Liffey River.
  6. Liverpool is situated on the river Mersey.
  7. London is located on the river Thames.
  8. Taj Mahal is located on the bank of the river Jamna (Yamuna).
  9. Vienna, the capital of Austria, stands on the river Danube.
  10. Budapest is situated on the river Danube.
  11. Venice is situated on the river The Aro.
  12. New York is situated on the bank of the river Hudson.
  13. Agra is situated on the bank of the river Jamna (Yamuna).
  14. Delhi, the Indian capital, is situated on the bank of the river Yamuna.

  • Which of the following cities is NOT located on a river bank? Answer: New York
  • Which of the following rivers is NOT associated with the city it flows through? Answer: Nile
  • Which city is known as the “City of Bridges” due to the numerous bridges that cross the river running through it? Answer: Pittsburgh
  • Which river runs through the city of Vienna? Answer: Danube
  • Which city is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers? Answer: Pittsburgh
  • Which river runs through the city of Rome? Answer: Tiber
  • Which city is known as the “City of Light” due to its prominent role in the Age of Enlightenment and its early adoption of street lighting? Answer: Paris
  • Which river runs through the city of Cairo? Answer: Nile
  • Which city is known as the “Venice of the North” due to its numerous canals and waterways? Answer: Amsterdam
  • Which river runs through the city of Bangkok? Answer: Chao Phraya
  • Which city is located on the banks of the Hooghly River? Answer: Kolkata
  • Which river runs through the city of Budapest? Answer: Danube
  • Which city is located at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers? Answer: St. Louis
  • Which river runs through the city of Shanghai? Answer: Yangtze
  • Which city is known as the “City of Canals” due to its numerous waterways? Answer: Amsterdam
  • Which river runs through the city of Florence? Answer: Arno
  • Which city is located on the banks of the Tagus River? Answer: Lisbon
  • Which river runs through the city of Dublin? Answer: Liffey
  • Which city is known as the “City of Music” due to its musical heritage and famous composers who lived and worked there? Answer: Vienna
  • Which river runs through the city of Hanoi? Answer: Red
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