Body Systems

1. The tension of the blood against the inner walls of blood vessels, especially the arteries, creates “Blood pressure.”
2. Central Nervous System (CNS) integrates all nervous functions, and its components include “Both spinal cord and brain.”
3. The circulatory system carries the blood throughout the body.
4. The system in the body that provides the body with essential food and oxygen while eliminating waste is the “Circulatory system.”
5. The organs responsible for digesting food are called the “Digestive system.”
6. After the completion of digestion, most nutrients are absorbed in the “Small intestine.”
7. The system in the body consisting of ductless glands that secrete hormones is the “Endocrine system.”
8. In males, the testes are located in the “Scrotum.”
9. The point of movement articulation, where two bones meet, is called a “Joint.”
10. The network of specialized tissue that coordinates and controls various body activities is the “Nervous system.”
11. The Nervous system is divided into three parts: central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and “Automatic nervous system.”
12. The peripheral nervous system carries messages to and from the central nervous system.
13. The automatic nervous system controls involuntary actions such as “Heartbeat and digestion.”
14. The process of relaxation of the wall and diaphragms that allows the release of air, depleted of oxygen and enriched with carbon dioxide, is “Expiration.”
15. The system of organs that removes waste products and excess water from animal bodies is the “Urinary system.”
16. In the urinary system, the bladder’s function is to “Store the urine before discharge.”
17. The part that helps keep the body in balance is the “Inner ear.”
18. The right kidney usually lies slightly lower than the left to accommodate the “Liver.”
19. The function of kidneys in the human body includes “Regulating pH, regulating mineral ion concentration, and filtering the blood.”

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