• A genome is the full set of genes of an individual.
  • Nucleohistones play an important role in gene expression.
  • There are 20 types of tRNA.
  • Cystic fibrosis is the result of a non-produced chloride ion transmembrane carrier.
  • 2,4-D is a weed killer.
  • Five-kingdom classification was proposed by Robert Whittaker.
  • Fungi have an absorptive mode of nutrition.
  • Euglenas have characteristics resembling both animals and plants.
  • Ligase enzyme can break open a plasmid ring.
  • Evolution according to Lamarck occurred due to the inheritance of acquired characters.
  • Allium cepa is the scientific name of an onion.
  • Order is the category grouping animals with the greatest number of similarities.
  • Eukaryotes first appeared about 1.5 billion years ago.
  • Autotrophs can prepare their own food from inorganic material and store energy.
  • Solanum tuberosum is the scientific name of a potato.
  • Eustachian tube is formed or modified from gill pouches in humans.
  • Scurvy and beriberi result from the deficiency of Vitamin C and B.
  • E-Chatton suggested the name Prokaryotae for bacteria and blue-green algae.
  • Littoral zone in a lake has the greatest diversity of animals.
  • Over 1 million species of animals are known so far.

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