• An animal’s survival depends on its ability to acquire organic molecules from the environment.
    • In humans, no tetrads form during mitosis.
    • Non-polar organic molecules are insoluble in water.
    • The interconversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in cells is an example of coordinated catabolic and anabolic activities.
    • The size of the smallest known virus is about 20 nm.
    • Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, and Down’s syndrome are all the result of meiotic non-disjunction.
    • G2 phase preceeds mitosis during the cell cycle.
    • Most cellular secretions are glycoproteins in nature.
    • Genes are not found in pairs in sperm cells of frogs.
    • rRNA constitutes about 80% of the total cellular RNA.
    • A genome is the full set of genes of an individual.
    • Nucleohistones play an important role in gene expression.
    • There are about 20 types of tRNA.
    • Cystic fibrosis is a disease resulting from a transmembrane carrier for chloride ions not being produced.
    • 2,4-D is a weed killer.
    • Five kingdom classification was proposed by Robert Whittaker.
    • Fungi have an absorptive mode of nutrition.
    • Algae and fungi in a lichen have characteristics resembling both plants and animals.
    • Ligase enzyme can break open a plasmid ring.
    • Evolution occurred according to Lamarch due to the inheritance of acquired characters.

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