Animal and Plant Kingdoms

1. The smallest unit of life is a “Cell.”
2. The main source of energy for the human brain is “Glucose.”
3. The meaning of the virus is “Poison.”
4. The pH of human blood is between “7.4.”
5. The pH of water is “7.0.”
6. The largest organ INSIDE the human body is the “Liver.”
7. The largest organ OF the human body is the “Lungs.”
8. Celluloses are “Carbohydrates.”
9. The smallest of all human cells are “RBC’s.”
10. The plant that eats insects is the “Pilcher plant.”
11. Red blood cells (RBC) have no nucleus.
12. White blood cells are also known as “Leucocytes.”
13. Red blood cells (RBC) are also known as “Erythrocytes.”
14. Erythrocytes, leucocytes, and platelets constitute “45 percent” of blood.
15. The first sign of life appeared on Earth about “3 billion years ago.”
16. When the Earth was formed, it had an atmosphere with “Water vapour, Ammonia, and Methane.”
17. Biochemical origin of life was discovered by “Carin.”
18. A group of cells that work together to perform a function is called “Tissue.”
19. The term NOT a category for biological classification is “Composition.”
20. In the Animal kingdom, fungi are known as “Decomposers.” 21. The cell organelle that does NOT participate in cellular division is “Ribosomes.”
22. An animal that consumes only meat or other animals is called a “Carnivore.”
23. The longest bone in the body of a human being is the “Femur.”
24. The shortest bone in the human body is the “Stapes.”
25. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the “Bone marrow.”
26. Animals that eat both plants and other animals are known as “Omnivores.”
27. Bacterial infections in humans can be treated with “Antibiotics.”
28. The Golgi apparatus is NOT found in a bacterial cell.
29. The cell wall is found in plant cells but not in animal cells.
30. The jelly-like interior of the cell is called the “Cytoplasm.”
31. The part of the cell that makes proteins is “Ribosomes.”
32. The most important stimulant in tea leaves is “Caffeine.”
33. Dolly was the “First cloned sheep.”
34. The part of the cell that processes, packages, and exports proteins is the “Golgi apparatus.”
35. The colored part of the eye is called the “Iris.”
36. The tubes that carry blood away from the heart are called “Arteries.”
37. The tiny bumps on the tongue are called “Taste buds.”
38. The openings in the skin are called “Pores.”
39. A human has “24” ribs.
40. The black part of the eye is called the “Pupil.”
41. The tubes that carry blood towards the heart are called “Veins.”
42. The part of the body that exchanges gases with air is the “Lungs.”
43. The organ sometimes removed and replaced with a new one is the “Heart.”
44. A cockroach has “Three pairs of walking legs.”
45. A bat is “A mammal.”
46. The average female’s brain weight is “45 ounces.”
47. “Clinical death” takes place when all three conditions are present together – no pulse, no heartbeat, and fixed and dilated pupils with no reaction to light.
48. “Biological death” takes place when all the body cells die after a few hours of clinical death.
49. Chromosomes consist of “DNA and proteins.”
50. Cockroach cannot survive in the water because its respiratory organ is the “Trachea.”
51. The “graveyard of RBCs” is the “Spleen.”
52. The open type of circulatory system is found in “Cockroach and Silverfish.”
53. Bacteria are responsible for converting milk into curd.
54. Human blood can be divided into “4” groups.
55. Antibodies are “Proteins.”
56. ‘Cod’ is a variety of “Fish.”
57. The thin layer that forms a common layer for any two cells is the “Middle lamella.”
58. The poison of a honey bee is “Acidic.”
59. Birds which swim in water have “Webbed feet.”
60. The average weight of a male’s brain is “48 ounces.”
61. “Placenta” is not present in the blood.
62. The normal cholesterol level in human blood is “180-200 mg.”
63. The longest nerve is the “Sciatic nerve.”
64. Dried flower buds used as a spice in “Cloves.”
65. Redness in blood is because of the presence of “Iron in heme pigment.”
66. Evaporation of sweat is related to “Endothermic Action.”
67. “Coral” is of organic origin.
68. Chlorophyll in photosynthesis mostly utilizes “Red” rays of sunlight.
69. Opium is obtained from the “Unripe Fruits” of the poppy plant.
70. Calcium and Phosphorus are required for the formation of bones and teeth.
71. CT Scan is done using “X-rays.”
72. Loss of memory is caused by the destruction of the “Cerebrum.”
73. Cellulose is an essential constituent of the plant cell.
74. The average adult pulse rate is “72-80.”
75. Animal meat is a good source of “Protein.”
76. Milk sugar is “Lactose.”
77. A man with color blindness will see red as “Green.”
78. Pasteurization is the process in which milk is heated to “63°C for 30 minutes.”
79. Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas.
80. The first successful heart transplantation was done by “C.N. Barnard.”
81. We have “5” types of white blood cells.
82. The physical base of life is “Protoplasm.”
83. The protoplasm of a child is exactly the same as that of its “Identical twin.”
84. The outermost layer of skin is known as “Epidermis.”
85. The age of a tree can be determined by “Counting the number of rings in the stem.”
86. Chloroplast plays an important part in photosynthesis.
87. Within the cell, the site of respiration is the “Mitochondria.”
88. A Mitochondria possesses a “Double membrane.”
89. Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of “Heparin.”
90. Endoplasmic reticulum is bound by “Membranes.”
91. Vacuoles are bound by a definite membrane in plant cells called “Tonoplast.”
92. Autophagy is the function of “Lysosomes.”
93. Lysosomes were discovered by “Dedave.”
94. The primary energy for living organisms is “Solar energy.”
95. Penicillin is an “Antibiotic.”
96. Red pigment is formed in the “Cell sap in vacuoles of the leaf.”
97. The percentage of glucose present in normal urine is “0%.”
98. The function of DNA in the body is “To help in the synthesis of proteins.”
99. Parts of the immune system include “Lymphocytes.”
100. The carrier of the parasite Plasmodium is a “Mosquito.”

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