Different Phobias

1. The fear of spiders is called Arachnophobia.
2. The fear of heights is called Acrophobia.
3. The fear of flying is called Aviophobia.
4. The fear of closed spaces is called Claustrophobia.
5. The fear of public speaking is called Glossophobia.
6. The fear of needles is called Hemophobia.
7. The fear of the dark is called Nyctophobia.
8. The fear of snakes is called Ophidiophobia.
9. The fear of germs is called Mysophobia.
10. The fear of thunderstorms is called Astraphobia.
11. The fear of crowded places is called Agoraphobia.
12. The fear of public places is called Claustrophobia.
13. The fear of dentists is called Dentophobia.
14. The most common human phobia is the fear of spiders (Arachnophobia).
15. The fear of clowns is called Coulrophobia.
16. The fear of blood is called Hemophobia.
17. The fear of confined spaces is called Claustrophobia.
18. The fear of thunder and lightning is called Astraphobia.
19. The fear of water is called Hydrophobia.
20. The fear of being alone is called Monophobia.
21. The fear of dogs is called Cynophobia.
22. The fear of driving is called Vehophobia.
23. The fear of mirrors is called Spectrophobia.
24. The fear of flying insects is called Entomophobia.
25. Gymnophobia is the fear of nudity.
26. The fear of public transportation is called Ochlophobia.
27. The fear of failure is called Atychiphobia.
28. The fear of ugliness is called Cacophobia.
29. The fear of writing or handwriting is called Graphophobia.
30. Logophobia is the fear of books or reading.
31. The fear of everything is called Panophobia.
32. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13.

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